  1. Rumi

From the recording Falling In The River


14th century poet couldn’t show it like Rumi Rumi
Soft and tender takes away that old pain Rumi Rumi
Your parents are poets too the way they speak to you
Rumi Rumi Rumi

I didn’t wanna be named after a race car driver
I didn’t wanna grow up to be a childhood survivor
Just needed to be spoken to like they speak to you Rumi
I was shouted down I got driven out
All that colonising pain in their hearts
So loud so hard

I see you through my window
I hear you on your porch
I hear your daddy talking to you
I hear him singing you songs little boy
If I had a mum and dad like yours i’m sure
I could be anything anyone anywhere
Better than I am now

Everybody needs a bitta healing
I’ll take it where I can get it
I’ll take it from you my neighbours
And I will never forget
Rumi Rumi